Axillary Buds in Bonsai (わきめ, waki-me)

In bonsai, axillary buds (わきめ, waki-me) refer to buds located at the base of leaves. They play a crucial role in the growth and development of your miniature tree:

Functions of Axillary Buds:

Branching: As axillary buds grow into new branches, they contribute to a more intricate and natural tree shape.

Leaf Renewal: When old leaves fall off, axillary buds replace them with new ones, ensuring continuous photosynthesis for the tree.

Propagation: Axillary buds can be used for air layering or grafting, allowing you to create new bonsai.

Types of Axillary Buds:

Vigorous Shoots: These grow rapidly and can disrupt the overall shape, requiring removal.

Upright Shoots: They grow vertically and can be nurtured to increase the tree's height or pruned if not desired.

Lateral Shoots: Growing horizontally, they can be encouraged to widen the tree's canopy or trimmed if not needed.

Axillary Bud Management:

Pinching: Removing unwanted axillary buds redirects the tree's energy to desired branches and helps shape the tree.

Topping: Trimming the tips of overgrown branches promotes further branching and a denser foliage.

Wiring: Gently bending young branches with wire guides them towards the desired shape.


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