Decision Making as a Data Scientist: Application of Game Theory


Working as a data scientist involves making numerous decisions. Particularly, the experience of assigning the right job to the right person significantly influences the success of a project. In this essay, I will discuss my experience and propose solutions by applying the logic of microeconomics, specifically game theory.

Application of Game Theory

Game theory is a branch of economics that studies the behavior of interdependent decision-makers. By applying this theory, it is possible to predict what actions each member should take and what results can be obtained.

Specific Experience and Analysis

In my team, each member has a specific skill set. For example, some members are strong in machine learning, while others excel in data engineering. The success of the project heavily depends on optimally utilizing these skills.

This situation resembles the "cooperative game" in game theory. Each player (team member) chooses a strategy (which job to take) to maximize their benefit (success of the project). However, since the choices of other players also affect the outcome, it is crucial to find an optimal solution for the entire team.

Solution and Direction for Improvement

The solution to this problem is to apply the concept of "Nash equilibrium". Nash equilibrium refers to a state where all players are optimally responding to the strategies of other players without changing their strategies. By finding this state, we can decide which job each member should take.

Furthermore, through this analysis, a direction for improving future actions is suggested. Specifically, it is crucial to understand each member's skill set clearly and assign jobs considering it.


Decision making as a data scientist can be more efficient and effective by applying game theory. By using this theory, we can maximize team productivity through the experience of assigning the right job to the right person. In the future, we aim to make better decisions based on this analysis.


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